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CIS 043 Midterm Exam I - Programming Problems and Solutions (40 points)1. (10 Points) Write a program to pick winners. You have 4 t-shirts and 2 ipadsto give away and a pool of 16 students. The students are assigned numbers from 1 to 16.a. Randomly select 4 students to receive the t-shirts. (It is OK to select the same studentmore than one time)b. Randomly select 2 students to receive the iPads. Make sure to pick two differentstudents. (Make use of loops in your program).Sample output:Winners for T-shirts are: Student number 7 9 12 9Winners for i-Pads are: Student number 5 12Solution 1 – Java Code/*Solution of Question 1 Midterm Exam I*/import java.util.*;class SelectWinner{public static void main(String s[]){int[] student = new int[16];

CIS 043 Midterm Exam I - Programming Problems and Solutions

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