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Get BIT203 Assignment Plagiarism free Solution With Code in Java

Writer's picture: R K GaurR K Gaur

BIT203 Assignment 1

Due date: 2:00 pm, 18th October, 2019

Value: 15%

Assessment Mode: Individual Assignment


This assignment has been designed to allow students to test and demonstrate their ability to

write a Java program that uses a range of different concepts and facilities. This assessment

relates to the following learning outcomes:

• design and write programs using several classes, including problem domain classes; and

• understand and implement object-oriented principles and key concepts in modern software

design such as inheritance, association, encapsulation, and reusable software.

In particular, this assignment tests the students ability to use appropriate class hierarchies and

collection classes.

Expected Learning Outcomes Assessed

• LO1: write programs using several classes based on UML class diagrams and other models;

• LO2: apply object-oriented concepts in the design and implementation of the programs;

• LO3: use and extend Java interfaces and classes in the implementation of their programs


Your assignment has to submit to TurnItIn, with the following all contain in a single file:

1. All your Java source files, printed in Word document format

2. Printed output (showing your interactivity with your program) is to be included at the end

of your Java source files, in Word document created in (1)

3. A Turnitin Report, again to be attached within the Word document created in (1)

Turnitin Report (

Register yourself in AdvJavaS319 using the following details:

class ID : 22523789

Enrollment password: java2S319


MicroHousing System in Kuala Lumpur

Big cities are always expensive to live in, but even more so for young people who have to live

independently, whether they are college students, fresh graduates or job seekers.

Proposals to alleviate the housing crisis in major cities have been proposed in the United States

(, Canada


and-a-business/), Hong Kong (



Youths in Kuala Lumpur also face similar problems. Therefore, the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL)

has proposed a scheme to help youths to rent accommodation at affordable prices



Your job is to create the information system for the MHS (Micro Housing System) for DBKL. Some

analysis and design artifacts have been developed. The use case diagram (Figure 1) shows the main

users of the system and basic functionalities.

The Conceptual Model shown above depicts the relationship that exists between classes in this

assignment. The User class is an abstract class, and is the superclass to the two concrete

subclasses – Applicant and HousingOfficer. For all classes, you may include additional

methods if you wish to do so, for example the toString, and equals methods. Two users are

considered equal if their username are the same.

A MHS object references a collection of Users and a collection of Residences. These two

collections are separate. You will also notice that Residences are linked to the Application class

as well as the Unit class. Class Unit is an inner class of Residence. Both classes, Application

and Unit, are linked together throught the class Allocation.

The following shows the high level use cases for the functionalities stated above.

Use Case Set Up New Residence

Actors Housing Officer

Description The Housing Officer is responsible a particular Residence, and thus for setting up

information about a new residence that is ready for occupation. The residenceID,

address, number of units available, size of each unit and monthly rental is

recorded. The Units are created according to the number of units entered. The

availability of each unit is set to “available”.

Use Case View Residences

Actors Applicant

Description The Applicant selects to view residences. For each residence, the residence ID,

address, monthly rental, size of each unit and number of available units is shown.

Use Case Submit Application

Actors Applicant

Description Before submitting an application for a unit, the Applicant will have to login or

register by entering a username, password, fullname, email and monthly Income to

create an account. (May need to submit copy of payslip to prove income).

The applicant selects the residence to submit an application for, and the month and

year that the unit is required. An application is created for the applicant and the

status is set to “New”

Use Case View Applications

Actors Applicant, Housing Officer

Description If the user is a Housing Officer, a list of applications with status “New” or “Waitlist”

for the Residence that the Housing Officer is responsible for is shown, showing the

Application ID, Residence ID, number of units available and monthly rental,

applicant username, monthly income, month and year required.

If the user is an Applicant, a list of applications that have been made by this

Applicant is shown, showing the Applicaton ID, Residence ID, number of units

available and monthly rental, and application status.

Use Case Allocate Housing

Actors Housing Officer

Description The Housing Officer selects an application to allocate housing by selecting the

residenceID, unitNo, fromDate and duration (12 months or 18 months) for the

allocation. The status of the application is set to “Approved”. The endDate of the

allocation is automatically calculated. All other applications for the same Applicant

are set to “Rejected”.

If the Applicant is not eligible for rental then all applications for that applicant are

set to “Rejected”.

The Housing Officer may also set individual applications to “Waitlist”.


Your task is to create a console styled interface class named MHSConsole. This console

interface class will provide a menu that allows a user of your program to perform the following


§ create a ‘single’ working microhousing system (MHS) object;

§ given a username, password, fullname, email, and monthlyIncome ADD an Applicant to

the created MHS object;

§ given a username, password, and fullname, ADD an HousingOfficer to the created MHS

object. Staff ID number for the officer will be generated automatically;

§ given a residence address, number of units, size per unit, and monthly rental, ADD a

Residence to the created MHS object. When adding a residence, you need to associate it

with the housing officer that is responsible for creating it, and also initialise the units in it;

§ allows an Applicant to view the available residence;

§ allows an Applicant to apply for available residence;

§ allows an Applicant to view the status of their submitted applications;

§ allows a House Officer to view submitted applications;

§ allows a House Officer to allocate housing or reject applications;

§ display detail of all users, either in original sequence, or sorted according to fullname;

§ display detail of all residences;

§ display detail of all applications; and

§ display detail of all allocations.

NOTE: The details of some tasks are shown in the high level use cases in the previous page.

Your design should decouple console functions from the other classes. In other words, code

that displays text on the console and accepts user input should appear ONLY in the

MHSConsole class. The only exception to this would be the use of ‘print’ statements in the

main method of other classes for testing purposes only. In completing this assignment you

should carefully consider the design of EACH class. Once you have coded each class, test its

functionality completely. Once you have the abstract User class constructed and tested, work

on the derived sub classes. Make use of ‘getters’ and ‘setters’ to access and alter ‘model’

attributes. Your console style interface should allow the functionality specified above to be

fully tested. Do not write a GUI interface, write a console style interface for this assignment


Your source code should contain javadoc comments and tags as follows:

• for classes, to indicate their purpose;

• for methods, to indicate their effect, parameters and return values, as well as any

exceptions they throw; and

• for fields, to indicate their purpose.

You may choose names for applicants, housing officers, residences, etc as you please. You

may submit as many tests of your classes and of your program as you think necessary, though

the reason for each should be explained.

Marking Scheme

Refer to the Excel file, 203A1MS_S319.xlsx, for detailed breakdown of the marks allocated for

the requirements.



If your program does not meet the requirements by the due date you should obtain help from

the lecturer and notify the lecturer that you will submit the assignment late (marks will be


Note about testing and plagiarism

It is very important that you complete this assignment alone. You may of course obtain general

assistance from the lecturing staff in the subject and your peers, but the coding must be carried

out yourself. It is normally quite easy to detect when two or more students work together on

their coding.

It is also very important that the demonstration of the results of your program using the given

test data is produced using the identical version of the program to the printout of your source

code. Students who hand in substantially similar assignments or whose programs do not

match their demonstration of testing will fail the assignment.

Any student suspected of copying, or of not producing the work himself or herself, can be

called for oral examination, where the student will be expected to demonstrate sufficient

knowledge of the application to show that it is his or her own original work.

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