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CS304, Data Structures Homework Help and Solutions

Homework 1 Solution

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Homework 1 -

Problem 1:

In this problem you are required to create a Tic-Tac-Toe game that can have

different sizes. The size of the game will be entered by the user; you can assume

it’s greater than 2.

Complete the TicTacToe class I provided in the needed files, the class contains all

the constructor and method headers that you need to complete. You can add any

methods you think you might need.

- You can define as many as instance variables you want.

- initializeGrid() sets every cell of the grid to a hyphen “-“.

- setPlayer() sets which player is playing next.

- getPosition() should prompt the user for cell row and column, the method

checks if the row and column entered by the user are valid values. If the

user enters invalid row and column or of a cell that’s already taken, the

method keeps prompting until a set of a valid row and column are entered.

- isOccupied() checks if the cell is already taken.

- isFull() checks if the grid is full(all cells contain X’s or O’s).

- winner() checks if there is a winner in the game. The method should check

for a winner in vertical, horizontal and diagonal (minor and major) lines.

- toString() returns a String that contains the grid with the proper line brakes,

so printing the returned String should display the grid in the following


- play() This method should have a sequence of call statements to the other

methods in the TicTacToe class to manage the game.

- If the grid is full and there is no winner, the program should display “It’s a


- If there is a winner, the method should display “player is a winner”, where

the word player is replaced with winner’s name.

- The is already provided to you, the class contains the

main method and should be used as a testing application for

- - X -

- - - -

- - - X

- O - -

General Instructions:

- No hard copies will be collected.

- Do not send your files through the email!

- You should submit your work by the due date, No extensions will be given.

(See syllabus for late homework policy).

- DO NOT turn in multiple files, only one .zip file.

What to turn in:

There should be one .java files(, put the file into a zip file and

name it <YourFirstName_YourLastName>.zip, submit the zip file into the

Dropbox on D2L.

How to zip multiple files?

On Windows: Select all the files > right click > Send to > Comprised File

On Mac: Select all the files > Click/Tap with two fingers > Compress Items

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