Northeastern Illinois University
CS 300: Client Side Web Development Final Project Solutions
Get 100% accurate solution on all your CS 300 Web Development Projects.
Sample -
• Comprehensive review of the HTML, CSS and Javascript skills learned this semester.
Basic Requirements
• Properly use and indent all tags.
• Set up page with <html>, <head> and <body> tags.
• The page should contain your name in the <footer>.
Project Description
• Using the skills you have gained this semester, recreate 2 – 3 pages of a website of your choice.
• All HTML and CSS should be built from the ground up. You may (and should) use images that you find on the site for your project.
• In addition to HTML and CSS, you will be adding some basic Javascript functionality of your choosing to the site.
Submitting your project
• There are 3 stages of this project:
1. Pick the site (and the 2 – 3 pages you will be building)
• Submit the URL along with screenshots to D2L
2. HTML and CSS
3. Javascript
• Sections 2 & 3 are both due the final week of the semester.
• Save all work to a zip folder and submit to D2L. In addition to the completed work files, please include screenshots of the final result ad well.

• Total possible points: 100
▪ All content is present.
▪ No broken images.
▪ The page looks nearly identical to the screenshot.
▪ Fonts are similar, although not necessarily 100% the same fonts.
▪ Proper use of floating, positioning, colors, transparency, etc.
▪ All content is present.
▪ 0 -1 broken images.
▪ The page is fairly similar to the screenshot.
▪ Incorrect fonts.
▪ Mostly proper use of floating, positioning, colors, transparency, etc.
Northeastern Illinois University
CS 300: Client Side Web Development
Professor Yehuda Gutstein
Final Project
▪ Missing some content.
▪ Multiple broken images.
▪ Incorrect fonts.
▪ Improper use of floating and positioning.
▪ Incorrect colors and transparency.
▪ Lacking most of the content.
▪ Multiple broken images.
▪ Little to no styling.
▪ Lacking most of the content
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