University of London
Computing and Information Systems/Creative Computing
CO2226 Software engineering, algorithm design and analysis
Coursework assignment 2 2021–2022
Submission details
Marks will be awarded for correct code, i.e. for code that produces results; if your code does not produce the correct result, no marks will be awarded for that part of the question.
You must submit one Java file called: Ass2226<StudentID>.java. For example, if your student number ID is 101031722, your file will be named:
When this file is compiled, it must produce a file: Ass2226<StudentID>.class, e.g. Ass226101031722.class. When run, this must produce the answers to the coursework assignment questions by implementing the appropriate algorithms.
Your java file may contain other classes, but they must all be included in the single java file; please do not submit multiple Java files as you will get a mark of zero – we need just one file. You must write your code assuming all data files are in the same directory as the program (and only use their names as arguments as shown in the example below).
Failure to do this will lead to a mark of zero. If you cannot complete a particular question, the answer should be ‘NOT DONE’. Your program should take the text files described below as command-line arguments.
To run your program, the examiners will type:
java Ass2226101031722 pubs pubs_lon_lat randomGraph
It is important to note that the filenames are referenced without the file extension.
Your output should look like this:
Name: Joe Doe
Student ID: 101031722
Question 1: 2
Question 2: 200 205
Question 3: 4
Question 4: 15
Question 5: [350, 352]
Question 6: 5.12
Question 7: 29.47
Execution Time: 32094 milliseconds
These are just sample answers to show the output format required from your program. The examiners will change the data files to test your programs so make sure your program works with files containing fewer/more pubs or the existing pubs with different ids. Try deleting some lines from the files and see if your program gives different answers. You should use the code provided and adapt it to answer the questions – no changes or alternative approaches the logic of the code are allowed.
Efficiency of your program
You will be penalised if your program runs too slowly (5 marks for every minute over 5 minutes on a machine with Intel Core i7 vPro processor with 12 gigabytes of RAM).
Try to speed up your program by avoiding re-computing values that you have already computed. Instead, store them (rather than re-computing) and identify opportunities and questions that will allow you to do so – then these values will be readily available to your program.
Use System.nanoTime(); to time your program. Read the value at the beginning and end of your program and subtract and divide by a billion to get the result expressed in seconds.
Coursework assignment 2 – preparation and pre-assignment tasks
Finding the shortest paths in unweighted graphs (breadth-first search)
Research Adjacency matrices for representing graphs. Here is a program to help you become familiar with them:
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class graph
double [] [] adj;
graph (double [] [] a)
adj= new double [a.length][a.length];
for (int i=0;i<a.length;i++)
for (int j=0;j<a.length;j++) adj[i][j]=a[i][j];
public HashSet <Integer> neighbours(int v)
HashSet <Integer> h = new HashSet <Integer> ();
for (int i=0;i<adj.length;i++)
if (adj[v][i]!=0)
return h;
public HashSet <Integer> vertices()
HashSet <Integer> h = new HashSet <Integer>();
for (int i=0;i<adj.length;i++)
return h;
ArrayList <Integer> addToEnd (int i, ArrayList <Integer> path)
// returns a new path with i at the end of path
ArrayList <Integer> k; k=(ArrayList<Integer>)path.clone(); k.add(i);
return k;
public HashSet <ArrayList <Integer>> shortestPaths1(HashSet
<ArrayList <Integer>> sofar, HashSet <Integer> visited, int end)
HashSet <ArrayList <Integer>> more = new HashSet <ArrayList
HashSet <ArrayList <Integer>> result = new HashSet <ArrayList
HashSet <Integer> newVisited = (HashSet <Integer>)
boolean done = false;
boolean carryon = false;
for (ArrayList <Integer> p: sofar)
for (Integer z: neighbours(p.get(p.size()-1)))
if (!visited.contains(z))
carryon=true; newVisited.add(z);
if (z==end) {
if (done) return result; else
if (carryon)
return shortestPaths1(more,newVisited,end);
return new HashSet <ArrayList <Integer>>();
public HashSet <ArrayList <Integer>> shortestPaths( int first,
int end)
HashSet <ArrayList <Integer>> sofar = new HashSet <ArrayList<Integer>>();
HashSet <Integer> visited = new HashSet<Integer>();
ArrayList <Integer> starting = new ArrayList<Integer>();
if (first==end)
return sofar; visited.add(first);
return shortestPaths1(sofar,visited,end);
public static void main(String [] args)
double [ ] [] a = {
{0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0},
{0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0},
{0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0},
{0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0}
graph g = new graph(a);
for (int i=0;i<a.length;i++)
{for (int j=0;j<a.length;j++)
if (i!=j) System.out.println(i + " to " + j +": "+ g.shortestPaths(i,j));
Draw a picture of the graph and see if you agree with the output (please note that the constructor assumes a non-directed graph; this is not the case with our graph for the coursework assignment, and is given here only for illustration purposes). Play with the program and alter the graph to check that you understand how the program works.
The Liverpool Pubs Distance Problem
Study the following files of data about Liverpool pubs:
• pubs.csv. This file has two fields in the following order: id of the pub and the name of the pub.
• randomGraph.csv. This file contains three fields, the pub id of the source pub, the pub id of the destination pub and the cost for taking this route.
• pubs_lon_lat.csv. This file has three fields in the following order: the pub id, the pub’s longitude, and the pub’s latitude.
Examine the following program. Note, again, that the main method assumes a non-directed graph, which is not the case for the coursework assignment, but is included here to help you become familiar with the process):
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.*;
class Assignment2
static int N= 500;
static double [][] edges = new double[N][N];
static TreeMap <Integer,String> pubNames = new TreeMap
static ArrayList<String> convert (ArrayList<Integer> m)
ArrayList<String> z= new ArrayList<String>();
for (Integer i:m)
return z;
static HashSet<ArrayList<String>> convert (HashSet<ArrayList<Integer>> paths)
HashSet <ArrayList <String>> k= new HashSet
for (ArrayList <Integer> p:paths)
return k;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
for(int j=0;j<N;j++)
Scanner s = new Scanner(new FileReader("randomGraph"));
String z =s.nextLine();
while (s.hasNext())
z =s.nextLine();
String[] results = z.split(",");
s = new Scanner(new FileReader("pubs"));
z =s.nextLine();
while (s.hasNext())
z =s.nextLine();
String[] results = z.split(",");
graph G= new graph(edges);
int st =Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
int fin = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
System.out.println("Shortest path from " + =
pubNames.get(st) + " to " + pubNames.get(fin) + " is" + convert(G.shortestPaths(st,fin)));
The main method in this case also takes two pub ids and works out the shortest path between them – we do not need the last two arguments in our code but, as in the previous case, they are included here for demonstration purposes only.
Dijkstra’s algorithm (finding the shortest path in a weighted graph)
Research Dijkstra’s Algorithm. Good sources include YouTube videos: Dijkstra’s Algorithm, Graphs: Dijkstra's Algorithm and MIT Lecture 17 Video. Please share any other sources you find particularly helpful on the VLE discussion board for CO2226.
Study the pseudo code below for Dijkstra's Algorithm to find a shortest path from
Start to end graph nodes:
Set S = {start};
//S is the set of vertices for which the shortest paths from start have already been found
HashMap <Integer,Double> Q = Map each Vertex to Infinity
(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY), except map start -> 0;
// Q.get(i) represents the shortest distance found from start
to i found so far
ArrayList <Integer> [] paths;
For each i
set path[i] to be the path just containing start.
while (Q is not empty)
let v be the key of Q with the smallest value;
//I've given you a method int findSmallest(HashMap <Integer,Double> t) for this
if (v is end and Q does not map v to infinity)
return paths[end]; let w be the value of v in Q;
add v to S;
for (each neighbour u of v) do
if (u not in S)
let w1 be the weight of the (v,u) edge + w;
if w1 < the value of u in Q, then do the following:
update Q so now the value of u is w1
update paths(u) to be paths(v) with u stuck on the end
remove v from Q;
Task 1
Implement Dijkstra’s Algorithm using the pseudo-code above; namely, put a function
dijkstra into the graph class.
Here are some hints:
int findSmallest(HashMap <Integer,Double> t)
Object [] things= t.keySet().toArray();
double val=t.get(things[0]);
int least=(int) things[0];
Set <Integer> k = t.keySet();
for (Integer i : k)
if (t.get(i) < val)
return least;
Now, fill in these bits:
) public ArrayList <Integer> dijkstra (int start, int end)
int N= ...;
HashMap <Integer,Double> Q = new HashMap <Integer,Double>();
ArrayList <Integer> [] paths = new ArrayList [N];
for (int i=0;i<N;i++)
paths[i]=new ArrayList <Integer>();
HashSet <Integer> S= new HashSet();
while (!Q.isEmpty())
int v = findSmallest(...);
if (v==end && ... return ....;
double w = Q.get(...);
for(int u: neighbours(v))
if (...)
double w1= ....;
if (w1 < Q.get(u))
paths[u]= addToEnd(...);
return new ArrayList <Integer> ();
Task 2
Test your implementation using the following test program (again, here you need to provide the ids of the start and end node as part of the program arguments. These are not needed for your final program).
class testDijk
public static void main(String [] args) throws Exception
int N=1000;
double edges[][]=new double[N][N];
for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
for(int j=0;j<N;j++)
Scanner s = new Scanner(new FileReader("randomGraph"));
String z;
z =s.nextLine();
while (s.hasNext())
z =s.nextLine();
String[] results = z.split(",");
graph G= new graph (edges);
Use this randomGraph file (please note that this example is from a different scenario which refers to tube stations so you might need to make some adjustments when reading in the data).
Each line of the file has three values: the first two are vertices and the third is the weight of the edge between them.
When you run:
java testDijk 0 999
You should get:
[0, 492, 665, 114, 452, 999]
Coursework assignment 2 – questions
Please note that pubs in the questions are referred to by their name. As part of the assignment, you will need to resolve them into their ids (for example, 404 for 24 Kitchen Drive). IMPORTANT: in the case of a direct link, please ignore this option and look for a route that includes at least one extra link; this constraint applies to all questions for this coursework assignment.
1. How many shortest paths exist between the pubs 24 Kitchen Drive and Baa Bar? A shortest path here means a path with a minimal number of vertices.
Note: use the shortestPaths method above.
[15 marks]
2. Which pair of pubs have the highest number of shortest paths between them? Just give the pub ids (in the case of more than one pair having the same numbers of shortest paths give all pairs).
[10 marks]
3. How many shortest paths do they have?
[10 marks]
4. How long are each of these shortest paths?
Hint: you may wish to use the following method:
static ArrayList<Integer> firstElement (HashSet <ArrayList <Integer>> s)
return ( ArrayList<Integer>)s.toArray()[0];
[10 marks]
5. Which set of pubs is furthest away from the Cavern Pub in terms of number of stops? (Just print out the set of numbers corresponding to the pubs – again in the case of a tie we want the numbers of all pubs matching).
[15 marks]
6. What is the length in terms of sum of the weights of the edges of the shortest path between Clock and Elm House?
Note: use Dijkstra's Algorithm.
[20 marks]
7. What is the length (in km) of the shortest path (in terms of distance) between Foghertys
and Jolly Miller?
Note: use Dijkstra's Algorithm.
You will need to use the following method (and the relevant data from the pubs_lon_lat file).
static double realDistance(double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2)
int R = 6371;
// km (change this constant to get miles)
double dLat = (lat2-lat1) * Math.PI / 180;
double dLon = (lon2-lon1) * Math.PI / 180;
double a = Math.sin(dLat/2) * Math.sin(dLat/2) +
Math.cos(lat1 * Math.PI / 180 ) * Math.cos(lat2 * Math.PI / 180 )* Math.sin(dLon/2) * Math.sin(dLon/2);
double c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1-a)); double d = R * c;
return d;
For finding the distance in km between any two points on the Earth's surface with given latitude and longitude, the latitude and longitude of each pub is given in the pubs_lon_lat file. Use this to compute the adjacency matrix for the weighted graph representation of the Liverpool Pubs problem. We need the ad[i][j] to be the distance from pub i to pub j.
You will also need to write a method for finding the length of path by adding up all the weights of the edges in the path.
[20 marks]
[Total 100 marks]
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