CEG 7470 Advanced Computer Networks - Write Review.
Distributed Topology Construction of Bluetooth Personal Area Networks thsalon@glue.umd.edu, pravinb@research.att.com, leandros@glue.umd.edu, lamaire@us.ibm.com
1Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Maryland at College Park.
2AT&T-Labs Research, Florham Park NJ.
3IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Hawthorne NY.
Abstract-- In recent years, wireless ad hoc networks have been a growing area of research. While there has been considerable research on the topic of routing in such networks, the topic of topology creation has not received due attention. This is because almost all ad hoc networks to date have been built on top of a single channel, broadcast based wireless media, such as 802.11 or IR LANs. For such networks the distance relationship between the nodes implicitly (and uniquely) determines the topology of the ad hoc network.
Bluetooth is a promising new wireless technology, which enables portable devices to form short-range wireless ad hoc networks and is based on a frequency hopping physical layer.
This fact implies that hosts are not able to communicate unless they have previously discovered each other by synchronizing their frequency hopping patterns. Thus, even if all nodes are within direct communication range of each other, only those nodes which are synchronized with the transmitter can hear the transmission.
To support any-to-any communication, nodes must be synchronized so that the pairs of nodes (which can communicate with each other) together form a connected graph. Using Bluetooth as an example, this paper first provides deeper insights into the issue to link establishment in frequency hopping wireless systems. It then introduces the Bluetooth Topology Costruction Protocol (BTCP), an asynchronous distributed protocol for constructing scatternets which starts with nodes that have no knowledge of their surroundings and terminates with the formation of a connected network satisfying all connectivity constraints posed by the Bluetooth technology. To the best of our knowledge, the work presented in this paper is the first attempt at building Bluetooth scatternets using distributed logic and is quite “practical” in the sense that it can be implemented using the communication primitives offered by the Bluetooth 1.0 specifications.
Index terms—Frequency hopping, Bluetooth, topology construction, scatternet.
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Assignment -
CEG 7470 Advanced Computer Networks
Some points to consider and address when reviewing papers. Also be sure to read the paper by A. Smith that was distributed in class.
Are key terms defined? If not, which definitions are omitted or inadequate?
Is the paper well witten? Is the use of English correct, clear and concise? What about spelling?
What are the principal claims made by the author? Is the claim justified by the contents of the paper?
What the main result(s) of the paper?
Is the main result new and important and, if so, why? Or is it either an incremental improvement on earlier work or a rehash of earlier work?
What techniques are used to support the author’s claims (Analysis, Simulation, and Experiment)?
What are the best features of the paper? What are the worst features of the paper? What is missing? How can the paper be improved?
What future work does the paper suggest or imply?
Are theorems/lemmas clearly stated?
Are proofs correct and complete?
Do the theorems and proofs justify the author’s claims?
Is the system being simulated adequately described?
Are simulations described in such a way that it would be possible to repeat the experiment? In particular, are the parameters, their range of values and their relationships to each other clearly described? Are any key (to evaluating the correctness and impact of the simulation) parameters, their values or relationships to other parameters not clearly specified?
Are simulation results presented clearly and is this done for a useful range of values?
Do you believe that the simulation adequately support the author’s claims? If not, why?
1. Did the author implement all or part of the system discussed?
2. Is the implementation interesting in its own right and, if so, why?
3. Are performance results of experiments reported and, if so, do the results provide evidence for the author’s claims?
1. Paper title, reviewer name on separate lines (centered, font: times new roman bold, size 12)
2. One page, single space, margin 1 inch (top, bottom, left, right), font (times new roman, size 10)
3. Reviews must conform to this format. Points will be taken off for non-conformant reviews.
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